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The Bongo Circle: A Konga Beat Forum

  1. OtakuGamer

    Showcase SteamDeck Excitement!

    That'd actually be super handy later down the line! So far, the trackpads work totally fine for navigation purposes, and today while my Fiancée is at work, I'll be testing some custom songs.
  2. OtakuGamer

    Showcase SteamDeck Excitement!

    As you can see, I've already got it in my library with all the art setup!
  3. OtakuGamer

    Showcase SteamDeck Excitement!

    Hey, just wanted to say I'm super excited for the future of this project! I went ahead and ordered two sets of DK Bongos in preparation, and quickly threw together some art for Konga Launcher on my SteamDeck while I'm at my Fiancée's place! I'm definitely expecting this to blow up at some point.