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The Bongo Circle: A Konga Beat Forum

  1. parham

    Konga Beat 1.0.2, Konga Launcher 0.9.1, and GCNTools 1.0.1 available now!

    The latest versions of Konga Beat, Konga Launcher, and GCNTools are now live! Here's a rundown of what's available starting today and what's ahead: Out Now Konga Beat 1.0.2 - Windows (Download) [Patch Notes] The most notable addition to this release is the ability to easily play your...
  2. parham

    GCNTools 1.0.0 available now!

    While working on Konga Launcher and preparing to release the source code on GitHub, I decided to spin off my code for interfacing with GameCube discs into a standalone library called GCNTools. I plan to expand its feature set later this year, but for now my focus is on Konga Beat and Konga...
  3. parham

    Konga Beat 1.0.1 and Konga Launcher available now!

    The time has finally come! Konga Launcher and the latest version of Konga Beat are now live. Here's a rundown of what's available starting today and what's ahead: Out Now Konga Beat 1.0.1 - Windows (Download) [Patch Notes] This is a pretty straightforward update that addresses some of the bugs...
  4. parham

    Konga Beat Update and Game Launcher Coming Soon!

    Heya folks! It's been about a week and some change since the launch of Konga Beat, and I've honestly been blown away by the response. BagelBug has already done some incredible work in Konga Beat, and I highly encourage everyone to check it out if they haven't already. Coming Soon: Konga Beat...
  5. parham

    Konga Beat 1.0.0

    The initial release of Konga Beat is now live! You can download here: https://parham.itch.io/kongabeat
  6. parham

    Dev Message Welcome to Konga Beat!

    Howdy folks! Welcome to the bongo circle. Here you can: Ask questions about using Konga Beat Report any bugs you find Show off your current project Give suggestions on where you'd like to see Konga Beat go With that said, I ask that everyone posts here in good faith. Also, please do not ask...